Anyway, today is a very special day. It's is my little sisters birthday!
She isn't little anymore though, she is 21 today. That's a big one. She's also pretty cool, even before she was 21.
So just to warn you, this post is going to be all about Devin. It might get mushy and sentimental but I have to get it out. Prepare yourselves...
10 Reasons why I like Devin:
1. She is my sister, so I have to.
2. She can always always always make me laugh.
3. She has nice hair.
4. She has good taste in music and always makes me mix c.d.'s so I can be cool and in the cool loop about the cool music.
5. She usually smells pretty nice.
6. She is brave. Much braver than me. I was the girl who literally barfed the morning of the first day of school, EVERY year, because I was so nervous. She however, always slept until the last minute on the first day of school, would roll out of bed and show up at school 2 minutes before it started. Brave. Or irresponsible. whatever.
7. She is very smart. Like smart in her brain and a smart ass, which is a quality I tend to like.
8. She is great at baking. I am a pretty good cook but couldn't bake a cookie to save my life. She can bake almost anything. Like she even bakes the Cinnabon cibbabons they have at the Cinnabon place in the mall. You know, like the gigantic ones with tons of hot melty butter and cinnamon and gooey wonderful heaven icing. yeah. those.
9. She has good ideas. Like the time she came to my house on Thanksgiving. J and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house for the first time this year. She came the night before and basically fed me wine and told me what to do, what to obsess over and what to forget about because it was stupid, or unrealistic or no one cared. She's smart like that.
10. Because as much as she can drive me completely crazy, she is one of my best friends and I know that I can always count on her for anything.
Funniest Devin Memory:
It's Decemeber 2007. Devin, me and my dad are getting ready to drive an hour to my grandmother's to visit her before Christmas. Like I mentioned before, she has a tendency to sleep in and roll out of bed right before she needs to be somewhere. So here it is 8:52am and we have a leave time of 9:00am. Dad is in the car getting antsy. Enter Devin. Hair pulled in a ponytail, sunglasses, sweats, and a hoodie.
Dev: "I'm hungry. Do I have time to eat?"
Me: "No, dad is in the car and he wants to get on the road"
Dev: "Okay, I guess I'll just bring a grapefruit to eat in the car."
(Side Note: First of all...who just grabs a grapefruit to-go? Like, it's not an apple. Or a Pop-Tart. You need a knife, and lots of paper towels, and a bowl or plate depending on how you like to eat your grapefruits.)
(Second Side Note: We were taking my car to my grandmothers. My car was brand BRAND NEW. I was all in love with it and wanted to drive all the time anywhere so I offered to drive so we could ride in my BRAND NEW car.)
Me: "Uh, no. You're not bringing a grapefruit in my car."
Dev: "Ugh, why not?!"
Dev: "You're so stupid. I'm not gonna make a mess. Who even cares?"
Me: vein popping out of my neck, face turning red
Dev: "Fine. I'll just bring this a BANANA okay to bring in your precious car?"
Me: "Yes. Just bring the damn banana."
Fast forward to 1 month later....
I'm out running errands with my mom and open the back door to put some bags in and notice something that looks suspiciously like rotting fruit slid under the front passenger seat.
Me: "OH MY GOD. Damnit Devin!"
Mom: "What? What is it?"
Me: pull out suspicious rotting fruit like object (which WAS rotting fruit)
"Devin left this banana under my seat! ewwwww"
Mom:"Okay, we will talk to her when we get home"
At home.
Me: "Devin, did you seriously leave that banana under my seat in my car to rot?!"
Me: "Seriously?!"
Dev: shrugs her shoulders "You should have let me bring the grapefruit Chels"
I could just kill her sometimes. But looking back I guess this story is pretty funny and sums both of us up in a nutshell.
Okay. I am done being mushy and telling Devin stories, so lets get down to business.
She turned 21 at midnight. I'm sure she went out. I'm also sure that she is probably still passed out recovering, which she should be. She is coming to stay with me and J on Saturday night. We are taking her out bar hopping to show her how its really done. I should have lots of funny pictures and stories for you next week from our celebration.
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Peace, Love, and Alcohol
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