Friday, April 6, 2012

Does Good Friday mean that I have to actually be good? Like behave myself?

     Happy Good Friday to anyone out there who celebrates you celebrate it? I know people celebrate Easter but what are you supposed to actually do on Good Friday? Should I capitalize Good Friday? You see I am not at all religious so Easter to me meant eating candy first thing in the morning, looking for eggs with money in them and in my recent years, drinking an excessive amount of mimosas. If that doesn't scream "thank you easter ghost of Jesus for coming out of that rock cave and turning all of the bunnies into chocolate hallelujah amen" I don't know what does.
    Anyway, J and I have no plans. I am on a diet so I am opting not to drive 2 hours to my grandparents house on Sunday just to eat chocolate and excessive amounts of ham and listen to my younger cousins fight over the golden eggs in the easter egg hunt. J and I will probably end up going to our best friends drag show and drinking at 11am. I guess I should take this time to give my bestest drag queen bestie a shout out...Phoenix Rising who is not only a fantastically fantastic queen but an awesome friend. So if you ever have a chance to go see one of his should. Say that I sent you and maybe he will start paying me for doing such a good job of providing good PR!
     This post is going to be all over the place...just so you know. I have lots of random things bouncing around my head this morning so I am just going to word vomit all over this post to get some ish off my chest.

   I am REALLY super great at Draw Something. Ya know that game? It's like pictionary mixed with kindergarten art class mixed with a small side of crack (because of its addictive tendencies) here is just a little look at a recent drawing that I am particularly proud of...

For those of you who didn't already immediately know that I was drawing B. Spears during her mid life crisis head shaving fiasco....I left the answer at the top of the screen. Although I am disappointed if you had to look.

Moving on. J didn't talk in his sleep last night. Which means I got a full nights rest, wahoo!

Well I suppose thats it. Now that I've covered Jesus, chocolate bunnies, drag queens and draw something I think I will get some work done before my little half day is over. Did I mention I only have to work a half day today? I would tell you to be jealous but I'm sure everyone else just has all day...a concept my boss is unfamiliar with.

Peace, Love, and Chocolate Bunnies

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