Thursday, May 24, 2012

Helloooo Summer, Peace Out Ice Cube Toes: 7 Exciting Things

I am not a cold weather person. At all. I am almost always always freezing. In the morning my feet are like ice cubes. At night my fingers are numb. In the spring I need a coat. In the summer, if I get hot, I sweat...which almost immediately dries leaving me clammy and freezing again. Attractive I know.

Anyway, my point is, I love summer!
I am less freezing and miserable in the summer, plus there are lots of fun things to do.

Since J and I moved into our new house, we have so many fun summertimey things at our disposal. I am going to share with you some of the things I am ultra excited about this summer:

1. We got bikes! Cool beach cruiser bikes! I already have a bell on mine. J has a bell AND a horn. (he couldn't choose, and why should you have to?) Here is my bike

It's very retro. And yes the seat has a crocheted seat cover. I need to get a basket. And a cup holder. And a side mirror. And some streamers.

You know how they say "It's just like riding a bike, you never forget!"
Well, you do.
I needed some practice when I first got it. Now I am getting better. I still get nervous when I ride over a crack in the pavement or some pebbles though.

2. Paddleboards. I don't have a sweet picture of these yet, because we just got them and I haven't taken mine out of the box. But we got paddleboards. I am super stoked to look just like Jennifer Aniston in US Weekly and People magazine cruising through the bay. Because we all know my body is the spitting image of Jen's. HA

3. BBQ's on our deck. You're all invited. Just kidding. Only some of you.

4. Naps on the beach.

5. Mojitos. and Budlite Lime. and Twisted Tea. and Dirty Bananas. 
These to me are adult beverages that can ONLY be enjoyed in the summer.  It would be stupid to drink them when it's cold.

6.  Our ducks. Ok, they aren't really OUR ducks, but they live on our road. They just wander around doing duck shit. Ya know. I am pretty sure they are married. It's always a boy and a girl. One day they came into our yard so I threw handfuls of Special K cereal at them. I didn't really throw it at them, I just threw it near them onto the grass. At first them seemed a little scared but then Hippy (thats the girl duck) dove right in. I knew woman to woman she would would be excited to try the Special K diet what with bikini season around the corner. Anyway, here are our ducks
Joe named them. I plan on buying some duck food to keep in our back yard
so they keep coming back to visit.

7. Being walking distance from the beach. J and I go to our little beach everyday to put our toes in the water and admire the view. It has become our way to unwind and relax after work. That and massive amounts of alcohol. Here are our feet enjoying the sand between our toes

Well thats all for now I suppose. I hope everyone else is just as excited for summer as I am. But not because you are freezing your appendages off the rest of the year like me, but because you have bike rides to take, sand to walk in and ducks to lore into your yard with a healthy snack of Special K and a false sense of security.

Peace, Love and Invitation only BBQ's,


Karen M. said...

Have a fabulous summery weekend my beautiful blogger!

Karen M. said...

Can't wait to meet your newest pets...